Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Scientology Aggressively Supresses Criticism

The purpose of the suit is to harass and discourage rather than to win. The law can be used very easily to harass, and enough harassment on somebody who is simply on the thin edge anyway, well knowing that he is not authorized, will generally be sufficient to cause his professional decease. If possible, of course, ruin him utterly.
-L.Ron Hubbard, A Manual on the Dissemination of Material (1955)

People attack Scientology, I never forget it, always even the score. People attack auditors, or staff, or organisations, or me. I never forget until the slate is clear.
-L.Ron Hubbard, Manual Of Justice (1959)

If attacked on some vulnerable point by anyone or anything or any organization, always find or manufacture enough threat against them to cause them to sue for peace.
-L.Ron Hubbard, Hubbard Communications Office Policy Letter (15 August 1960), Dept. of Govt. Affairs

The Objection
Even in the general press, Scientology is described as "Famously litigious". Anyone that takes the time to look further will discover numerous examples of "fair game", an express policy of actively seeking to not only silence critics, but ruin their lives. L.Ron Hubbard described legal practices as a useful way of bludgeoning critics into silence. Amending doctrine within Scientology is considered "squirreling" - a major offense. In short, the organisation is hostile to criticism of any sort, for any reason at all, to a degree that is not considered acceptable in any other community of faith.

Featured Article: Time Magazine
Quite some time back, TIME ran a multi-page article entitled "Scientology: The Cult Of Greed And Power". They were taken to court by Scientology, in a significant number and variety of suits, for vaious reasons. TIME chose to fight rather than settle; after ten years, they retired as the victor. The orginal article is now online:
>>>Read The TIME Magazine Article Here.

Featured Video: Bullbaiting
Here's Mark Bunker, long-term Scientology critic, dealing with some Scientology security folks. Their methods for handling Mark are... interesting.

Additional References:
1. A list of linked, scanned cease-and-desist orders sent out by Scientologymay be found HERE.
2. David Miscavige, current head of the Scientology, "Clearing things up" on Nightline, may be seen HERE.
3. A list of quote from judges and other judicial figures relating to Scientology may be found HERE.